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5 Money Mindset Books That Helped Grow My Business

Money mindset is a huge topic among business owners and entrepreneurs. You don’t have to be “woo woo” to understand how you feel, think, and act about money makes a huge difference in the amount of money you see in your business.

People’s “money stories” can come in many shapes and sizes, too. Maybe you can make money, but you feel like you lose it or spend it too quickly. Maybe you’re scared to ask for money or charge a livable wage. Maybe you believe that only really hard work will bring in money. Or perhaps you’ve been told that businesses can’t turn profit for 5 years, so you’re scraping by. The stories are vast -- but the thing they all have in common is that it comes down to your money mindset.

I grew up pretty well-off. We were upper middle class and I never thought about money until 2008 when (like for a lot of us) money became THE ONLY topic. I was 17 or 18 at that time, already had a job, and essentially when I went off to college, I became responsible for myself. But even then, it didn’t feel too scary.

I mean, I was blissfully ignorant and I definitely took out school loans without understanding what that meant but I also had a great job that paid well throughout college (working as a retail sales rep at T-Mobile, so I got a wage + commission if I was good at sales, and turns out, I was). I missed out on some of the fun college activities like going to every football game because of work, but I was overall happy and felt fine.

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I think overall money wasn’t a big, scary topic for me until years later. In fact, at my first job post-college I even felt confident enough to ask for a raise when I realized my wage was far below similar jobs in the town. It wasn’t until I started my own business that I began to see stories pop up and negatively impact me around money related topics.

Growing up my dad owned his own business. When 2008 happened, he lost a lot. I didn’t fully understand what was happening or going on then, and even as I started my business I didn’t realize the effects or stories I’d taken on about how businesses will eventually fail, or that you can’t count on your business to always be profitable, etc.

In early 2017 I took my first money mindset course — an audio course from Denise Duffield-Thomas. And honestly, I still listen to it today. It changed a lot for me very quickly. That was my introduction into this idea of “money mindset” (I’m not sure I had heard those words together before that point).

If you’ve followed my business history you know that early 2017 is also when I changed my business model, got booked out, and started making 3, 5, 8, and eventually 10k a month. So I think that $297 audio course was worth it! (Even though, yeah, I definitely took the payment plan option). (Just to note: this is how you should think about investing in your business! NOT how much it costs, but what is the value it will bring! That $297 was scary as hell at that point in my life and business, but it’s brought back so much value).

After that course I went through a binge reading mindset related books, money mindset related books, and basically everything that fell under those categories. I still read money mindset books on occasion (I just finished Think and Grow Rich*) because it’s easy to fall back into old stories and habits, and I think the money mindset work I’ve done is some of the most powerful and important things I’ve worked on.

 You know I don’t like to tell anyone else what to do in a way that is like *you must do this thing* so I won’t say you MUST read these books. But I will say, if any of this story resonated with you, if the word money makes you feel nervous or get some tingly feelings in your stomach, or if you know you’ve got some unwanted stories around money — WORK ON IT! It’s more important than any strategy or email funnel or whatever. Those things won’t work if you can’t believe that they will work, so if your money mindset is holding you back… time to put some work into it.

There are a ton of books about these sorts of topics, these are just the 5 that I feel made the biggest impact on my life and business:

1. Get Rich, Lucky Bitch by Denise Duffield-Thomas. Like I mentioned above, Denise DT created the audio course that started this path for me. I love her approach, the uplifting way she speaks, and the ease with which she explains complex topics like the Law of Attraction. She’s just fun, honestly! She has some other books and courses, so if you resonate with her I definitely recommend checking her out. The audio course I took now pretty simple but it made a huge difference for me and gave me a great foundation. If you already know a lot about money mindset work it may be too basic, but I was starting at square negative 10, so I found every single piece of information to be new and amazing and insightful.

2. You Are A Badass At Making Money by Jen Sincero. I resonated with Jen’s writing style. She felt conversational, fun, and real and she shared a lot of her real life experiences throughout the book which I appreciate. I consider this is a good book for those who have a little experience/knowledge with the ideas of manifestation and the law of attraction, but don’t want to full dive into the “woo” quite yet.

3. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. This book is one of the “classics” when it comes to all things Law of Attraction, Money, etc. It was originally published back in 1937 — which is absolutely nuts when you think about how relevant it is today. I will say, read it through the lens of when it was written because there are some references, word choices, etc that were a bit, uh, frustrating — but if you can put that aside and focus on the actual message and steps that it details to thinking and growing rich, then it’s a great read with lots of real life examples of millionaires and billionaires you’ve heard of (and have shaped our world, honestly).

4. Creating Money by Sanaya Roman + Duane Packer. This book is pretty “woo” so if you’re not into ideas of channeling, manifestation, etc. you may find this hard to digest. HOWEVER, it’s soooo good, easy to understand, and there are things to do/implement/try at the end of each chapter which I liked because it’s more than just reading, it’s taking action (an essential step in the process of manifesting, right?). If you’re new new new to money mindset I wouldn’t necessarily start here (‘d probably read these in the order I listed them, honestly) but I definitely recommend reading it at some point in your journey.

5. The Law of Divine Compensation by Marianne Williamson. This book is pretty woo. I’m not particularly religious, but it was easy to read through this book and understand the concepts without being any particular religion, and just a spiritual person. Marianne tells stories wonderfully, and it’s easy to get into the book and her experiences and examples. This book will impact more than just your finances, for sure!

So there you have it! I’ve read a ton of books that touch on similar topics but aren’t “money-focused” specifically — so if you’re interested in others, let me know and I’ll send some recommendations!


What book are you going to read first? Have you read any books that have impacted your money mindset or business? Share with me in a comment or over on Instagram!


An Easy Practice That Will Grow Your Business

The first time I heard someone mention their gratitude practice, I thought… isn’t that strange. Why would you call it a practice. I mean, it’s just saying thank you for the stuff around you, isn’t it? I was confused and thought the whole idea sounded, well, frivolous and unnecessary, if I am being honest.

But I kept hearing about it, kept reading about it, and eventually I was ready to give it a try. To see what the hooplah was all about. So I got my pen and a notebook and sat down and…I didn’t know what to do. 

I imagine it was a similar feeling as if someone handed me a football and said, “okay, throw a perfect spiral”. I felt a little annoyed that I wasn’t instantly a natural, I felt kind of dumb that I didn’t get it.. And then it occurred to me: oh. This is why it’s a practice. 

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Because expressing gratitude in a way that actually changes things takes time, energy, and commitment. It’s a routine you have to adopt. And it, strangely enough, can feel harder to get started than you think.

But once you do it a few times it quickly becomes second nature. It’s not very hard. It requires no hand-eye coordination. And it can have immediate results (which is my favorite kind of practice, right?!)

I got the 5-minute journal* because I felt like having a bit of an outline would be beneficial. They also have an app if you are more of a digital type, but there is something very satisfying about writing it out to me. It took a while to get good at the habit, especially the night part — but I just keep it by my bed with a pen so there really are no excuses.

I don’t abide by the morning ritual hype (I think it ends up becoming just a check-list for people and loses its actual magic when treated so methodologically) but I do have a goal feeling I strive to achieve in one way or another before I start working. Gratitude has become something of a routine because it helps me get to that goal feeling (mine is a feeling of calm preparedness). I’ve noticed in times that I forget to do my gratitude practice that I end up feeling more frazzled, or that things start to get to me quicker and stress me out. 

Overall, if I had to tie real results to my gratitude practice it would be this: I’m less likely to get immediately stressed over something. I can keep a level-head, find the positives, and solve the problem. I’m more likely to get my to-do list done because it helps me to see it as a ‘get-to-do’ list instead. I’m more likely to see opportunities (and therefore make more money) because I’m looking at the world and my circumstances through a lens of happiness, abundance, and more.

If someone had been keeping track, and plotted the best times in my business history (financially, stress-levels-wise, etc.) they would coincide with the time that I focus on gratitude. I truthfully feel like incorporating a gratitude practice into your life in some capacity will improve everything, and definitely grow your business. 

But how, you ask?

Less Stressful Days

I used to not handle stress well. My natural ways included bottling everything up and then having a meltdown over some incredibly small trigger (once this happened because the gym was too full and I couldn’t figure out where to do a workout that I was kind of embarrassed to do — burpees — privately enough). Other alternatives to that include lashing out against people, crying in public, and laying on the couch unable to do anything for a day or two. Basically I turned to mush.

I’m not here to tell you that writing 3 things I’m grateful for makes that stress disappear. The stress still appears, but over time a gratitude practice has improved my ability to handle stress. And if you are running a business, no doubt, there will be stress.

What I’ve noticed is that I’ve started to recognize when I feel anxious or overwhelmed sooner, and I’ve given myself permission to stop. Writing down what I’m grateful for forces me to sometimes zoom in and find a micro thing I’m grateful for (the way Monte meows after I sneeze, as if he’s saying ‘bless you!’) and sometimes zoom out and see the big picture thing I’m grateful for (the sunshine coming through the window this morning). That same skill is really useful for me when it comes to handling stress. I’ve learned how to zoom in and see what is truly bothering me, but also zoom out and see that it won’t have any long-term-big-picture impacts, and I can let it go.

I did a little research, and there are scientific studies that show having a gratitude practice shows up physically in people - and one big way is with lower cortisol levels. Cortisol is the stress hormone, and we don’t want too much of that going around in our bodies (it can make you legitimately sick!). I can’t tell you whether or not my cortisol levels are any different, but I can tell you that days when I am consistently practicing gratitude are some of my calmest, easiest, least-stressful days. I mean there are still things happening that in the past would’ve thrown me in a tailspin, but I am able to process them easier.

As entrepreneurs stress is probably going to come up, right? Having a gratitude practice can help ease some of that overwhelm and let you think and produce good things easier and with less PANIC crying-at-the-gym-over-burpees moments.

See More Opportunities

With my gratitude practice I’ve also been able to notice more opportunities for growth in my business. And I don’t think it’s just a  happy coincidence, either. Here’s the deal: 

Have you heard of the idea (or had it happen to you) that you express an interest in something and suddenly it’s everywhere? A common example is when you buy a new car, and suddenly it seems like you see that car everywhere - at the grocery store, in line ahead of you at Starbucks, coming out of your neighborhood… what gives?!

It’s actually a real thing, called the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon (also known as a frequency or recency illusion). The concept is actually really simple — all those instances of the car were there before, but because you put it into your mind and went out and spent time researching the car and buying one, your brain starts to give that more attention.

Using your Reticular Activating System, you’ve basically put a filter on alllllll the data your brain sifts through and said, “this car matters. I want to see more of it” on a subconscious level. So while the cars have always been there, your brain didn’t think they were important enough to show you necessarily. But then, you said, “hey no, those cars are really important to me actually” and your brain was like “oh, okay. HERE YOU GO.” And then you see one and you get excited, and you cement that idea a little bit more into your brain. And you see another one and you’re like “omg see, it’s everywhere!?” And your brain is like “YES this is what she wants!” It’s a cycle, one that you unintentionally created.

Okay, so what does that have to do with gratitude? Well. You spend time focusing on things you are grateful for, you take time to appreciate the good things in your life… and you start to notice them more and more. It’s not magic, truthfully. It’s your brain just doing what it does best — looking for patterns and connections and doing what you tell it to do (either consciously or unconsciously).

So here’s an example for business. Maybe you spend time focusing on how grateful you are that opportunities for new clients keep rolling in. And because you’ve built this subconscious focus on finding clients, or getting clients, or seeing opportunities for clients… maybe it’s easier for you to see how you could answer that DM on Instagram in a way that leads to your services. Or maybe you see a post of someone in the explore feed or in a Facebook group needing to hire a position you’re a great fit for. Those things would’ve been there regardless, but because you’ve opened yourself up to seeing them — you do!

Other ways I’ve noticed gratitude impacting my business is that I’ve become a total silver-linings-person (and honestly, I love it). I see opportunities in everything now. Lose a client? That’s fine, now there’s room for a better fit client. Oh that email didn’t send properly? That’s okay, now I can tweak the copy, or reach out directly to someone and make a more genuine connection. I am in full belief that the universe is always working out for my best interests, and with my gratitude practice it becomes so much easier to see every single situation (“good” or “bad”) as a way to grow and develop and get a step closer to my goals. 

Better Quality Work

The last thing I want to mention is that overall my quality of work has improved when I focus on gratitude. It’s because I suddenly see tasks as things I GET to do, things I’m EXCITED to do, versus just a to-do list. 

It allows me to see that big picture, and remember why I am doing what I do. Why what I do serves the life I want to live. It’s really easy to get bogged down in the to-do list and the overwhelm, and the blah blah blah. But moving your focus from ‘this is too much’ to ‘this is helping my create my dream life and business’ is a gamechanger, and gratitude has helped me to do that.

That being said, if you feel like right now perhaps you aren’t creating your dream life and business — click here to learn more about working together. 

 But overall a gratitude practice is sort of like a reality check. You know the scene: your friend complaining about something that to you seems trivial and silly, and you’re like okay maybe that kind of sucks but then you got all of this thing and you did all of that other thing and it’s not that bad… a gratitude practice helps me to do that to myself. 

 *This post has been adapted from its original posting that I created under my design business, TheCrownFox. It does contain affiliate links of products that I use and love!


Have you started your gratitude practice yet? If not, you should get this journal!* It’s very helpful in giving you some structure and guidelines. I’d love to hear how gratitude has impacted you or your business - leave a comment below or reach out over on Instagram!


25 Easy Affirmations For Building Your Self-Confidence

Affirmations are a powerful, simple, and useful tool to keep in your back pocket. Or heck, don’t even put them in a pocket. Just keep that out and ready to use always.

Affirmations are just repeated thoughts, or words said out loud, that become ingrained as part of our identity. Abraham Hicks says, a belief is just a thought that you keep on thinking. So by that logic, if you keep thinking that you are abundant, eventually that will become a belief. Once that’s a belief, it becomes a lot easier to act and become abundant.

I’m simplifying the actual process but essentially thoughts become things. So by using affirmations to formulate our thoughts, we can create that reality.

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Affirmations work best when said in a positive way and in present tense. When I create affirmations for myself, I generally start them with “I am…” because the thing I am affirming is usually something I want immediately, so why not tell myself that it is already true, right?

At a subconscious level your brain can’t tell the difference between past or future or even thoughts or reality. If you can believe that you are abundant, then your subconscious will find ways to make that true. 

There are studies on athletes that show this really well. Basically, when an athlete thinks through their performance - thinks through how they dribble the ball and take the shot, or how they dive in and glide through the water… their brain fires off the same exact way as if they were physically doing the action. Their brain believes they are doing it.

Even more remarkable, there are studies that show they actually can IMPROVE their performance without actually physically DOING the thing. It’s mind-blowing and honestly makes me feel like if I could just think hard enough and believe hard enough, I could be the next Megan Rapinoe. JK. But kinda not. 

So all of that to say... affirmations are really fantastic and effective. And fun! And simple to bring into your daily routine. 

I’ve compiled a list of 25 affirmations for you to incorporate into your daily practice to build your SELF CONFIDENCE. Because I’ve found that in business, the missing link for so many amazingly talented people is that they just don’t believe in themselves, their abilities, or their right to get paid.

Most of these will follow the “I am…” formula I mentioned above, but we’ll throw some different ones in there for good measure. A great idea for you would be to take a few of these and set reminders on your phone to go off throughout the day reminding you of them. When you get that reminder, pause your day and really feel into the affirmation. Say it out loud ten times and let yourself feel good, feel positive, and feel like this is your current reality and truth. Believe it. This is not an activity to be rushed through or checked off the to-do list, but one to savor and enjoy.

You could also put some post-its up with affirmations written on them. I have one on my bathroom mirror, one on my computer, one by the front door, and one on the fridge right now.

Oh, and just to note: it’s okay if you feel a little silly and maybe like it’s hard to really believe them the first few times. You’ll get used to it! And remember, a belief is a thought that you keep on thinking — so keep going! This isn’t an overnight thing, this is a new part of your daily life!

The Affirmations:

  1. I am so grateful for all that I am becoming.

  2. I am happy and loved exactly as I am.

  3. I am learning and growing every day.

  4. I am successful and driven.

  5. When I share my message or point of view, I make a positive impact.

  6. I am worthy of all that I desire.

  7. I love who I am now and forever.

  8. I am a source of inspiration for others.

  9. When I believe in myself, I motivate others.

  10. When I believe in myself, I create great things.

  11. I am constantly receiving love and acceptance.

  12. I deserve all that I want.

  13. I am open to the best possible scenario.

  14. I make smart and impactful decisions.

  15. I choose joy, love, and light always.

  16. Everything is working out for my success.

  17. I have full control over my life and circumstances.

  18. I always make the right decision for my life.

  19. I am powerful, worthy, and more than enough.

  20. I love every part of myself.

  21. I am perfect in every way, exactly as I am right now.

  22. I respect, honor, and cherish myself.

  23. I am proud of the life I have created for myself.

  24. I am confident.

  25. I completely love and accept myself.


What do you think? Will you adopt some of these into your own life? Or create some of your own? Share with me below in a comment or send me a DM over on Instagram! Know someone who needs to see this? Share it with them!


20 Journal Prompts For Business + Personal Growth

Journaling changed my business. Well, first it changed my life… then it changed my business. I don’t believe that your business can outgrow your personal growth. Personal growth and development should be just as high of a priority as learning what email subject lines convert best, or what time to post on Instagram.

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We avoid the personal work because, honestly, it feels harder than beating the algorithm or writing the blog post. But telling yourself that personal work is hard is a story, one that we can rewrite. Instead, you can decide that when you grow as a person, your business grows too. When you learn more about who you are and how you operate, your business scales. When you uncover your resistances and stories, your business flourishes.

I grew up journaling in some fashion or another. At first it was diaries, and then, being a kid of the digital age, I bared my soul on websites like Xanga and Livejournal, and eventually Myspace and Tumblr. How embarrassing!

Throughout college my journaling became more of an artistic practice and showed up in sketch books and photography classes. And for the first few years of my business, I forgot how much I liked to write to myself - because I was so busy focusing on creating content for others.

The first few years of my business were…. Well they were bad and then they were good. Really good! I’ve talked about it a lot during season 1 of Effortless but where we ended up was nearly 4 years in and successful — booked out, consistent inquiries from pretty big names in the industry, six-figures…

And not very fulfilled. I mean, I loved my clients and the work, but something bigger was missing. There was a bigger purpose inside of me, and I hadn’t really talked the person inside for a while. I hadn’t been journaling, meditating, or any of that. I was just go-go-go-ing.

I brought the journaling practice back after a few failed attempts. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to write, it was — as silly as this sounds — the wrong notebook. I kept getting notebooks that were hard to write it, so I’d find the practice frustrating. 

But when I finally got all the kinks worked out… Well the pen wouldn’t stop, would it? I began pouring everything out. My hand hurt, constantly. Ink was smudged across the page. The writing had mostly turned to scrawl, illegible and rushed. But finally, I felt like I could connect with something deeper inside of me again.

With that, everything started to change. I started to change. And my business followed suit. Then, the crazy thing happened… I started to feel better. More fulfilled. Like the steps and ideas that were coming to me finally made sense. I was excited again! 

I’m telling you all this to get to this main point: if you’re feeling a little lost, or overwhelmed, or like you know something needs to change but you’re just not sure what…

Pick up a pen.

Get the right journal (I like this one the best).

And get 👏to 👏writing 👏

If your next thought is… but writing WHAT?! Fear not — I’ve got some prompts to get you started and some thoughts on how you should use them and start your practice.

Starting Your Practice:

  1. Commit to journaling every single morning for one week. Yes, even on the weekends. Do it when you first wake up, so there are no excuses.

  2. Set a timer for 15 minutes and do not stop writing until that timer goes off. 

  3. Give yourself the option of free-writing or stream-of-consciousness-writing, but if that doesn’t feel good use a prompt from below.

  4. Give yourself space and relax. Don’t fret over not knowing what to write, don’t beat yourself up for writing informally or illegibly. Just take a deep breath and go. There are no rules. No one ever has to read it. You could shred it or burn it when you’re done, if you’re really antsy about what comes up (but I don’t think you should do that, personally).

  5. Don’t hold back. With that timer going, the first few minutes will feel… sterile probably. Generic. Surface-level. But eventually you’ll get in a rhythm and things will flow a bit easier. Don’t limit yourself with thoughts like, “that’s dumb” or “how weird”, but instead follow whatever paths arise. There are no rules. 

  6. Be aware of what your initial thoughts are versus your ego or more logical brain trying to make sense of the thoughts, or prove something right or wrong. When we get into a good writing flow, it’s easier for our intuition to be heard. However, the delay between hearing a thought and writing it gives time for your ego to step in and try to take the thought in a different direction. If that happens, it’s fine — the point here is just to be aware of it happening. 

Okay. I think you’re ready!

Below are some prompts to use as inspiration, but use your creative freedom to come up with your own, to free-write, or adapt any of these. You have control. Oh, and, if you’re stuck on what to write at all, sometimes I’ll just ask myself, what do I need today? as a way to get started.

The Prompts:

  1. What moment are you the most proud of in your life so far? And why are you proud of it? What do you admire about the person you were in that moment?

  2. What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever done? How do you feel now that you’ve done it? What do you feel about the person who managed to do it?

  3. What would a younger version of yourself think about who you are today? What would they love? What would they wish were different?

  4. What makes me happiest? What are 25 things that make me smile or feel happy?

  5. What is something I feel like nobody understands or gets about me?

  6. How do you want people to describe you? Why do you want people to describe you in that way? Are you being that person? How can you become that person?

  7. How do you define success? How did you come to that definition?

  8. How do you define failure? How did you come to that definition?

  9. Who were you before anyone told you that was wrong? Who were you as a child? How can you bring more of that into your life today? Do you want to?

  10. Describe your ideal day, if you had nothing you had to do?

  11. What do you know you need to change in your business, but have been too scared to move forward on?

  12. If you could go back to the day you started your business, what would you tell yourself? Why do you think that would matter and what do you think it would change?

  13. Look at your surroundings. How do you feel in this space? What would you change? Why?

  14. What decisions got you to this business, the one you own today? Go through the big decisions that led you to right here, right now. How do you feel about those decisions now?

  15. What are 25 things you love about yourself?

  16. What do you want your legacy to be? What do you want people to think about you and your business?

  17. What are you avoiding, or ashamed of?

  18. Who do you respect and admire the most? What is it about them that you respect and admire? Do you have similar qualities? How can you cultivate that?

  19. What do I want my business and life to look like in one year? What kind of choices will get you there?

  20. What do I wish I understood or knew better? What tools or opportunities exists that could help me?


Oh hey, just out of curiosity — what prompts stood out to you the most? Let me know in a comment below or shoot me a DM over on Instagram. And if you start the practice and have any great results or insights, let me know!