The Best Thing To Focus On To Grow Your Business
Are you feeling stuck in your business? Perhaps like you are working day in and day out and the needle just… isn’t moving? Maybe you feel like things are doing okay actually, but you have no idea what you want to do next, to keep on growing?
If any of those ideas feel true to you, I’d be curious to ask you this: What are you focusing on? What are your predominant thoughts about business throughout your workday?
What I find often is that this idea of feeling ‘stuck’ or ‘lost’ about what to do in your business stems from the THOUGHT that you’re stuck. See, thoughts precede feelings. So you spend enough time thinking, “I’m stuck” and then you begin to feel stuck. As you begin to feel stuck, then the idea of action feels further and further away…
But you weren’t ever actually stuck. You just had a thought that you decided to keep thinking about being stuck — which led to you feeling stuck, acting stuck, resulting in stuck. Does that make sense?
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The real place to start here would be to question why you were ever thinking that you felt stuck in the first place? What’s triggering that thought? With my coaching clients, I tend to notice that these thoughts derive from focusing on what other people are doing too much.
For example, you might see so-and-so launching another program, or having another $10k month, and start to feel inadequate and like you aren’t doing enough. That leads to this thought of “I’m not enough, I’m just here, and I’ve been here, and I’ll keep on being here, and this is just it. I’m stuck.”
Does that feel like a pattern you’ve lived out before?
Sometimes it might misleadingly feel motivating to be in that place. You might feel like you get a “fire under your *ss” and want to start making changes and doing the dang thing. However, you’re finding that faux-motivation from a place of “I’m not doing enough”, which ultimately won’t serve you. The thought, “I’m not doing enough, I need to do more” will only lead to results of… not doing enough and needing to do more. Our thoughts create our reality, so while it might sound as pumped-up as a Jock Jams CD, it’s setting you up for disappointment.
Rather than focusing your energy on…
I’m stuck.
I need to do more.
I’m not doing enough.
The goal should be to shift to:
I’m capable.
I’m worthy.
I can do this.
Because those types of thoughts will get you lasting results, epic results, rather than surges of energy met with disappointment and burnout.
Do you see the difference there? The best thing to focus on to grow your business is the idea that you are so worthy and capable of creating and growing a successful business. NOT that you’re not doing enough, NOT that you need to try harder, NOT that you gotta hustle it out for just this week…
I would challenge you to make your priority for the next week to be on how worthy and capable you are and watch what unfolds. A simple shift from “I’m stuck” or “I need to do more” to “I can do this” will unlock so much for you, and it’s a simple thing to do, right?
The thing about mindset work is that it IS simple. But most people won’t do it because of that. They brush it off and assume it must be harder, it has to be! Hard work makes success, right? Nope! Wrong!
If you’re ready to grow your business, if you’re ready to reach the levels of success you dream about — the task is simple. Start thinking and believing that you can do it. Stop punishing yourself with thoughts that don’t serve you and start stepping into your power.
What big takeaway or ah-ha did you just experience reading through this? I'd love to know! Leave a comment below or let's connect on Instagram.
Your Business, Built With EASE
It’s Time to Stop Overcomplicating Your Success
For business owners, CEOs, + leaders ready to step into their EASE era, learn the energetics, alignment, strategy, and expansion that help set you up for simple, sustainable success.
Cheers to that!