The Number One Thing That Is Holding You Back In Your Business
How many courses or programs have you bought over the course of your business? How many coaches have you worked with? How many times have you heard promises that this will change your business, drank the kool-aid, and got… nowhere?
Probably more than once, I’m guessing.
It’s a shitty feeling, I know. And it’s easy to blame that person, think things like…
They lied to me!
They shouldn’t have sold to me!
Feel familiar? Yeah, there was a time when I thought those things too. I remember the particular program I bought and how resentful I felt towards the course creator a few months later. It was so much money (now in retrospect, not that much), and I was so green and new, and I just had no idea — they swindled me! I was the victim!
Except, I wasn’t. I tuned in to all of her periscopes (back when that was a thing, lol), I watched multiple webinars, I was a fan. I believed in what she was selling. AND I knew plenty of people (and still do) who got crazy amazing results from her programs. But I didn’t, and that wasn’t fair, and poor me.
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I’ll also make note: I didn’t complete the course, or even make it half way through. I didn’t do the work. I just expected my first idea to work and when it didn’t - I jumped ship. So basically… I thought just the mere act of investing in this program would mean I was a millionaire, overnight, and that no other effort would be required.
AND THEN, I got pissed at HER when it didn’t happen.
Do you see the utter and complete irony, ridiculousness, and victim complexness going on here?
And now, here’s the big question…
Are you doing this too?
Be honest.
The number one thing holding you back in your business is the idea that everything is happening to you and that you aren’t in full and complete control of your life. Because you are. In my above example — who purchased the course? Who didn’t do the work? Who gave up like 20% into the material?
Instead I spent a lot of time using this excuse of HER, HER, HER. She made me like her. She made me want to work with her. She made me do this, do that, do whatever.
No one makes you buy a course. No one makes you give up a quarter of the way through the material. No one makes you not do the work and wallow in your own pity party. You do that, all by yourself.
The truth is, you’re the one that is stopping your progress. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you can change it...
...And the better off you will be. I promise. Because while this sounds potentially mean and aggressive, the fact is: when you take ownership over your life you also get to take ownership over your results. Owning that experience meant I got to own what I did next and make a decision to go on to make a lot of money the following years.
If this is resonating with you, I have a question you can start to ask yourself. Maybe put it on a post-it note or something so you see it randomly throughout your day. Simply ask yourself, “is this thought serving me?” Because thoughts like, “I can't believe this is happening to me” or “ugh, they’re making my life so hard” or are never serving you. If you move your position into one of ownership, and being at cause those change into questions and questions are what move us forward. They become thoughts like, “What caused this to happen?” or “what’s making things feel hard right now?”
Do you see how that simple shift then puts your brain to work to SOLVE the issue. It puts you back in that position of power to find resolutions, versus just sitting all alone at your pity party for one?
To boil it all down, the number one thing holding you back in your business is you. Harsh, I know. However, the number one thing that can move you forward in your business is ALSO you. The number one thing that can make you a millionaire in your business, or work 3 days a week, or change the world with your business is ALSO you. You are in control here, so stop giving it away.
What big takeaway or ah-ha did you just experience reading through this? I'd love to know! Leave a comment below or let's connect on Instagram.
Your Business, Built With EASE
It’s Time to Stop Overcomplicating Your Success
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Cheers to that!