Creating Success In Your Online Business
Creating success in your online business starts with one simple—but not necessarily easy—step:
Defining Success.
What does it mean for you to be successful? What does that look like? What does that give you? What’s included? What’s NOT included? Is it $10k months? Is it retiring your partner? Is it working 3 hours a day? Is it being a digital nomad? What IS it?
See, most entrepreneurs don’t actually define success which makes it nearly impossible to actually create success because you have no idea what it is you’re actually working toward. And that’s how you end up this cycle of working really hard, exhausting and burning yourself out, feeling like you’ve not accomplished anything, constantly squirrel-ing around and trying new things, etc.
Does any of that feel familiar?
Chances are you haven’t defined success for yourself.
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So, your first step is to do that - to actually define what it is you want. This can feel hard if you overthink it and ‘want to get it perfect’ — so let me encourage you to take a deep breath, come back to center, and know that you are a human with free will and always have the ability to change your mind. Not making a decision from fear of making a decision IS ACTUALLY a decision in itself. Meta, I know.
Journal Exercise: What does success look like for me?
Then, the next part of this conversation about creating success includes talking about the Be Do Have concept. This is from neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and is a way to understand your world that will ultimately prove more beneficial than how you are probably operating. See, most of us are born and bred to believe it’s ‘have do be’ — once I have $10k months, I’ll hire the support, and I’ll have more time for life outside of business.. But that’s actually backwards. In the Be Do Have model we would start with who do we have to be to do the things we need to do to have the things we desire.
That’s why defining success is so important because once we know what it is we actually are working toward, we can start to ourselves this question: who do I have to be?
Journal Exercise: Who do I have to BE to have the things I desire?
And you can use this reflection to start to work backwards from point Z and come alllll the way back to point A. If I want to be someone who works 3 hours a day, who can I be right here, right now, to step into that? Can I be someone who creates boundaries and sticks to them better? Can I be someone who creates systems and outsources in my business? Cool — what’s the first system to make? The first thing to outsource?
If that feels overwhelming, please know that you don’t have to map out all 100 steps. But instead just focus on the thing you can do next, the next thing you can do to BE the person who has what you desire.
Journal Exercise: What’s the one next aligned action to BE the person who creates the success I desire?
Now, if you’re not asking yourself these sorts of questions often in your business (and life!) chances are you are working really hard and getting nowhere fast. That’s where an Aligned Business Audit can support you. I’ve created monthly, quarterly, and yearly options for this audit for you to use in growing your business in a way that works for YOU. Ready to learn more and start your own audit?
What does an aligned business look like for you? Share with me in Instagram!
Your Business, Built With EASE
It’s Time to Stop Overcomplicating Your Success
For business owners, CEOs, + leaders ready to step into their EASE era, learn the energetics, alignment, strategy, and expansion that help set you up for simple, sustainable success.
Cheers to that!