Developing a Successful Mindset for Your Business
In my experience, you can hustle your way to about 60-80k/year in your business. That’s a great number! But for many entrepreneurs, you hit that mark, and you feel like… well, now what? It’s not enough to retire early or take off days at a time. It’s not enough to never worry about your bills again. It’s not… enough, but you’re working A LOT, so what do you do?
The reason that we get stuck around that mark is that it tends to be the average of the highest we think we can charge hourly with the number of hours we can work without totally becoming a hermit and never seeing our loved ones again. Consciously we want MORE, but unconsciously we don’t want to alienate ourselves even more behind the computer screen and we don’t feel we are “worth” charging more money.
It’s a pickle, huh!?
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So, here’s where the transition happens — you have to move away from focusing on hustling and start to do the inner work, the mindset work, to break past that barrier. Mindset is the thing that gets you from where you are right now to where you want to be in the future. Not hustling more, not finding the perfect strategy, none of those things you think you “have to figure out”... just YOU.
Now, I’m going to assume you’ve heard this idea before. I’m going to assume you’ve heard people talk about mindset and you are… curious but cautious. It feels… weird.
Here’s why: it feels in opposition to what we’ve been taught our entire lives. The education system teaches: there are answers out there, find them. You are doing it the right way or the wrong way. Do it the right way, you succeed; do it the wrong way, you fail. That’s ingrained in our minds (at least in America) for nearly our entire lives.
Then we get into business, we decide to be an entrepreneur, and suddenly… we exhaust the old strategies of late nights, cramming, hustling, doing “it right”, etc. We try those and it doesn’t seem to be working like we think it should. That’s because those old ways of operating aren’t going to serve you in this new world.
Instead of focusing on “getting it right”, we have to focus on being okay with learning and growing. Instead of “getting the A” we have to focus on taking action, period. Instead of focusing on “I’ll stay up late and cram” we have to focus on making space for creative thought and challenging our beliefs.
It sounds crazy and hard and weird and all the objections you have because it IS different than what you’ve done before. It is different than, perhaps, how you’ve found success before. There’s no “teacher” or “professor” or anyone to tell you YES or NO. It’s just you.
And while that might feel scary right now, you could just as easily decide that it feels exciting. Because now you’re in the driver’s seat. Now you’re in control. Now you’re the one in charge. And you get to make the rules. You get to decide what is “right” or “wrong” — or that right and wrong just don’t exist. It’s all up to you.
When you do that you are taking ownership over your life, over your outcomes, over your success. We tend to default to a victim type mentality of life “happening to us” when in reality, the secret to success is deciding that we are in control and everything is happening for us.
So, how do you develop a successful mindset for business?
First: decide that you are no longer operating from a place of “effect” or “victim mentality”. Decide that you are in control and taking radical responsibility for your life. You can do this by starting to ask: “how am I at cause for this?” in any and all situations.
Second: decide that you cannot fail. There is no right or wrong, there is just action and inaction. The only failure is inaction (stopping before you reach your goal, or never starting). If you keep moving, you’re not failing. And if you do hit a bump, know that it’s not a failure: you win or you learn, always.
How does that feel? Can you start to do those two simple steps?
What big takeaway or ah-ha did you just experience reading through this? I'd love to know! Leave a comment below or let's connect on Instagram.
Your Business, Built With EASE
It’s Time to Stop Overcomplicating Your Success
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Cheers to that!