S4E19: Balancing The Energetics + The Execution In Your Business
There are two essential concepts that can help you build a business that not only makes money, but feels good. We’re talking about The Energetics + The Execution this week on the podcast. These two parts are usually way out of balance for people - some leaning too far into the energetics that they never take action, and others focusing so hard on the doing that they burn out and exhaust themselves. Listen below or in your favorite podcasting app!
in season 4, episode 19 we’re covering…
An explanation of what The Energetics and The Execution means
Where most of my clients have spent their entire lives focusing
How these two concepts work together
What if it truly got to be easier? Would you be okay with that?
Enrollment to EASE is open for early-early-birds!
Your homework from this episode:
Reflect: Are you leaning more into energetics or more into execution? How does that feel for you? Is it working?
Reflect: Would you be okay if you hit all your definitions of success and it wasn’t based on working really hard? Would you feel excited about that? Or ashamed of that? Has society conditioned you (and it’s okay if it has, it’s conditioned all of us) to believe that if something comes too easily it’s bad or not worth celebrating?
Resources + links mentioned in the episode:
What's Next?
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Hi! I’m Kaitlyn!
I’m here to help you step into your power and create more ease in your business. You’ve been working hard, getting clients, making money, and deep down you’re starting to wonder, “is this it?”—I know how scary those thoughts can be and I’m here to help you navigate the path of taking what you got and shifting it into what you deeply desire.
Your Business, Built With EASE
It’s Time to Stop Overcomplicating Your Success
For business owners, CEOs, + leaders ready to step into their EASE era, learn the energetics, alignment, strategy, and expansion that help set you up for simple, sustainable success.
Cheers to that!