self-study programs + experiences

To Support Your Growth (& Bank Account!)

  Make Magic ↓  

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feel plenty


Open to Overflow

For business owners who desire the making and having of more money to feel like more ease—and who are ready to step into overflow without feeling stress or pressure (or like they have to sacrifice their values or integrity) to get there. Join the 21-day immersion with daily activations, aligned actions, and easful application!

  Start Open to Overflow for $222→  

more sales


Soft Sales

It's time for a new, more intuitive approach to sales. What if sales felt like a natural extension of you? Guided by your inner knowing, rooted in your power, and as light as a stack of pancakes? This is for business owners who want to sell with confidence, ase, and flow—and without stress or pressure.

  Join For $222 →  

feel better



Stop making your business the only thing that matters in your life, cultivate more joy and presence, and learn to enjoy it all–While still growing your impact, income, and ability to receive. This audio based program will support you in building a more secure relationship with your business so you can finally get off the emotional rollercoaster of entrepreneurship.

  Get Secure →  

lead better


The Leader

This 3-part workshop series is for coaches and OSPs who want to lead their companies powerfully, support their clients more effectively, and expand their self-trust—so they can serve more, make more, and feel confident doing it.

  Join For $333 →  

ideal clients


Messaging Magic

For the visionary who’s done with basic formulas, tired ICA questions, and half-hearted headlines. It's time to show up as yourself, speaking directly to the people you’re meant to serve, and making an impact that’s impossible to ignore.

  Get Messaging Magic for $77→  


Ready To Go Deeper?

Coaching Support Is Available

  Learn More →  

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