Kaitlyn Kessler | Energetics Coach + Online Business Mentor

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The Formula For Success

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You keep looking for a formula for success, but the truth is: There’s not a formula for success. Nobody can sell you a framework for success

Yes, even though so-and-so sells a program that states it’ll guarantee your success… it’s not true. Or possible. Let’s discuss.

First things first: No one can define success for you.

So while there are lots of great leaders and teachers in our industry, the 4 step formulas they are insisting are all you need to be ‘successful’… well…

What does that even mean? All they can really give you is a formula to what they believe or consider success to be. Now maybe y’all overlap in your definitions, but are you considering that in your purchasing decisions?

The idea of selling something that defines success for everyone is a little disheartening to me. What if your idea of success is different? At some subconscious level suddenly you’re hearing that what you want isn’t valid or good enough, when in truth, the mere fact that you desire it inherently makes it good enough.

And then, let’s just say we alllll decide across the whole world that success is making 6-figures…. well, okay—but there are literally hundreds of thousands of ways to make 6 figures. You could sell one hundred thousand things for a penny. Or you could sell 10 things for $10,000 a piece. Or you could sell 50 things for $2,000. So who’s way is the right way?

Spoiler Alert: No Ones!

There are a lot of people who have figured out ways to create their version of success, but there’s no right definition or right path. And getting yourself caught in a pattern of thinking the answers are out there, that someone knows better than you what you want is… a recipe for disaster.

I’m not throwing shade. I don’t think people are lying or manipulating, truly. I think people have reached milestones using various ways—they ALL have the potential to work. But no one person’s technique is superior. No one method is superior. No one definition of success is superior. YOU get to define all fo that for yourself. You MUST define all of that for yourself.

Now, that’s not say don’t invest or don’t learn. But decide what you want, what you need, what success is for you FIRST. If you decide it’s Instagram, and you want to go HARD on it. Cool, then look for support and resources around that. But don’t move forward with ‘I have to use IG because so and so says and it’s the only thing and even though I hate IG, I’m going to force myself to use it.’ That will never work.

When you find the path YOU want to take, totally get support. I’m a big fan of support But also, keep these things in mind:

First, those methods worked for those people because they stuck with it. They didn’t flip flop around. They decided this platform or method or channel was going to work for them and they made it work for them.

Second, they may sell something different than you to different people than you—so while you can certainly learn from them and take their advice—you are going to have to step up as a creative problem solver and adapt things to fit your business.

Which brings me to the main point of everything today: Be a creative problem solver.

Stop looking to everyone else for the answers. You have the answers. You have the formula. You have the steps to take that will work for you. Sure, learn from others, take bits and pieces here and there, and then filter everything through the YOU FILTER and make it work for you.

The reason I share about how I run my business is because I want you to have an opportunity to get some ideas, absorb what you need, leave what you don’t, and make it your own. I don’t need more copies of me. You’re you! And that’s amazing AND needed.

The truth is, even if someone could sell you a perfect 4-step formula and you followed it step by step and you achieved exactly what they said you would… I’m willing to bet something would still be off. You hear stories like this all the time. People hit these epic milestones, have all the money and fame and whatever… and they’re deeply unfulfilled and unsatisfied and burnt out. They worked the plan, but it wasn't THEIR plan. It didn’t fit THEIR needs or desires or versions of success.

What is more important to me, how I think about investing at this point is to invest in myself. To learn more about myself. To learn to trust myself. To learn to be a creative problem solver. I don’t need a single 4-step formula, I’m beyond that—and I bet you are, too. If you’ve bought all the things and something still isn't clicking… here’s my thoughts for you: maybe stop looking for the ‘right’ answer and start doing the deeper inner work to figure out YOUR answer. That’s what having a coach has helped me do. They don’t tell me the ‘right’ answer. They help me find MY answers. That’s the magic.

What did this bring up for you? Send me a DM on Instagram!

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