Kaitlyn Kessler | Energetics Coach + Online Business Mentor

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Common Beliefs That Are Not Serving You or Your Business

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Let’s talk about the most common stories I hear entrepreneurs say in our online space. Are you ready? There’s a chance you hold some of these as FACTS or TRUTHS in your life and honestly you’re about to get called out, my friend. Nicely though! What I want you to do when we discuss them is to either now (or later when you’re in a more open minded headspace) ask yourself, ‘do I believe this to be true?’ about the different stories and see what comes up for you. Because I know you want to rewrite your stories and believe in yourself more, don’t you?

The first one that is running rampant IS: I’m not ______ enough. Commonly: I’m not good enough, I’m not smart enough, I’m not experienced enough, I’m not extroverted enough, and so on.

I am grouping these all together because they are all coming from the same place: A lack of confidence in just how fucking powerful and ENOUGH you are.

Because my friend YOU ARE EVERYTHING ENOUGH. You are enough right now. In this moment. Without any more work, without any more effort, without any more attempts to change. You are enough exactly as you are. You are good enough. You are smart enough. You are experienced enough. You are extroverted enough. You are WORTHY of all the success you desire.

The moment you can step into that identity, the moment you can fully accept and understand and KNOW and I mean REALLY KNOW that to be true… that’s the moment everything will change for you. Living in this state of not-enough-ness will keep you stuck, small, complacent, and overwhelmed by life and definitely by business. 

You affirmation for this, if this is YOU is, I am MORE than enough. I want you to say that to yourself every morning while you are brushing your teeth and staring at yourself in the bathroom mirror. Instead of picking a part your face, or wondering why you have such dark circles under your eyes, or regretting that decision to not wash your hair… look at yourself and remind yourself just how enough you are. Remember a belief is just a thought that you think over and over and over again, so make this a morning ritual until it becomes a BELIEF. You are enough.

Number 2 is: I don’t have anything to say. I hear this come up a lot when it comes to writing blog posts, creating podcast episodes, or even just going on stories on Instagram. And I get it because this is one that I battled with too.

I’m going to paint a picture that maybe a lot of you can relate too: When I got started as a designer I had no desire to change the world or make a big impact. I just wanted to work from home, be able to go out on the boat whenever my bartender-boyfriend asked me too (aka on a Tuesday, randomly), and make enough money to cover my bills and the random Target splurge trip. So when it came to creating content I was like… wtf do I talk about? I don’t know how to run a successful business yet, so how can I talk about that?! I don’t know the best ways to post on social media, so how can I talk about that?!

But here’s what I did know: Graphic design. I knew a lot about design. I knew about how design could impact your business. I knew about the technical needs behind good design. I knew about how a great visual brand could help build loyalty. I knew all of those things and it was basically second nature, so I kind of forgot that… Well not everyone ELSE knew that.

And that’s the content that I should be creating. As things have grown and as I’ve shifted my business and developed bigger passions and purposes, how I create content and what I have to say has developed. But if you feel like right now, where you are at in your business you have no fucking clue what to talk about… Talk about what you know. Talk about what you do. Talk about how it’s important. And talk about the value it can bring to other people.

That’s all. Sure, share some life stuff if you want—but if that’s not your cup of tea then don’t! And release the pressure to have to be THE MOST OPEN, or have THE BEST LIFE CHANGING THINGS to talk about and just talk about what you know and share your unique thoughts or perspectives or thoughts about it.

Your affirmation for this could be: When I share, I help others. And before you hit publish, or record that story, or whatever it is that you are doing… take a few moments and repeat that affirmation to yourself. I do this. Whenever I post to social media I say “with this post I will make a positive impact and reach the people that need to hear this message” to myself. And y’know what? It. Fucking. Works.

The last story I want to talk about today is: No one would buy that from me. Oh friend. With that attitude, you’re absolutely right. Because if that’s how you are approaching sales, I can say with near certainty that you are not: Actually making offers, sharing the value of what you do, or even talking directly to your potential clients.

If you don’t believe in what you offer, nobody else will. Period. It’s like going to a doctor and before surgery they’re like ‘idk I guess this’ll work’—are you gonna get that surgery from them?! HECK NO.  You would be out of that hospital so freaking fast.

You have to believe in yourself and in your offers first. Something interesting I’ve learned about in my hypnotherapist training is just how vital it is for the hypnotherapist to believe that the trance will work. It’s almost MORE important that I as the therapist believe in your ability to go into trance and there are even certain measures taken during the beginning phases of the session to help convince the therapist that it’s working. Isn’t that remarkable? Because if I as the therapist don’t believe in the practice how could I EVER except you as the client to?

So in the same way if you as the business owner dont think your offers or programs or services are worth it, or good, or going to work…. Why would anyone else? 

Your affirmation for this, if you struggle to believe in your offers is this: I Create Amazing Transformations For My Clients or My Clients Get Amazing Results. You may need to tweak that one depending on your offers/services, but you get the idea. And I want you to focus on this affirmation before any type of sales call or pitch, and before you sit down to actually do the work for your clients.

Okay. So those are the top 3 stories that I hear WAY TOO OFTEN and I want you to work on rewriting. Do you have any others that you’ve noticed recently? I’d love to hear!

Did any of these resonate with you? Send me a DM on Instagram!

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