a 21-day audio immersion + activation

For business owners who desire the making and having of more money to feel like more ease

...and who are ready to step into overflow without feeling stress or pressure (or like they have to sacrifice their values or integrity) to get there.

daily activations ✧ aligned actions ✧ easful application


It's time for a new approach

You identify as an "action taker" but even though you're doing all the things (and even making some good money)—it doesn't feel like enough, or actually good, or like you can fully relax and trust it to keep flowing.

And the truth is, you desire more. But you're starting to realize that overflow is just as much energetic as it is strategic—and while you're good with making the plans and doing the things, you need some support in actually allowing overflow in.


You're doing *all* the right things


This is about your relationship with money, your subconscious programming around 'more', and your nervous system feeling safe to let it all add up and overflow (with ease).


This is for you if...

You're typically more comfortable getting into action than addressing your thoughts or feelings—but you're just about tapped out on how much more you can *do* to see the overflow you desire.

You've dabbled in money mindset work, read You Are A Badass..., have actually seen some cool side effects—but somehow it always ends up back at square one and you can't seem to really get to the abundance you crave.

You're honestly fkin tired of your shit and your old ways of doing things, want it to feel easier, lighter, more fun—but aren't sure how to release all the pressure and stress around money. It feels heavy and you'd rather just avoid it.

You're fully onboard for this being the year you not only make more, but actually FEEL REAL FKIN GOOD in the process. You're done being cute or playing off just how much you desire and how willing you are to get out there and get that bread (and by "get" I mean do this subconscious rewiring so you can actually get it. And eat it. And enjoy it. Bon appétit, mon ami!)


Here's the plan:

You + me + 21 days of audio transmissions in your podcast feed and straight into your AirPods while you're out on your hot girl walks or doing your dishes or trying to not be stressed at the grocery store.

A blend of Rapid Resolution Therapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Emotional Freedom Technique, TIME, and success coaching.

Activations where you sit back, listen, and let me do the work. Activations where you do small activities or exercises. Quick, effective, and simple.

A toolkit you can revisit as often as you'd like—perfect to return to at each uplevel and every new milestone.

I'm ready to Open to Overflow →


We're Covering Topics Like...


Normalizing the flow of money

Creating new energetic minimums

The art of receiving with ease

Shifting need → want → having

abundance (without anxiety)


This isn't just about making more money (but you will).

This is about rewiring how you think and feel about money, your relationship with the experiencing more (and untangling ideas about it having to be hard or require blood, sweat, and tears), and becoming the version of you who has, expects, and feels safe with overflow.


"After Open to Overflow, I feel very grounded in my approach to growing my business - it's not JUST energy work and not JUST business planning but a combination of both. I feel like I have a lot of intention AND a lot of trust, where previously I'd have one or the other (and that never panned out in a sustainable way)"

-Alex L. of Bungalow Blooms

"In the past 4 weeks, I've had at least 6 people reach out to me (5 of which I don't know *how* they found me) and want to learn from me. I also just had a student offer to pay me $3500 per month for 6 months—it's SO exciting. And in that feeling much more calm and peace and balanced energy around the money piece of it all. It's beautiful seeing these people consistently reaching out. Thank you for helping me open to overflow!"

-Mel M. of The Herbalists Path


 Frequently Asked Questions

  • The lessons (or activations) range from 5-20 minutes and some days there will be a little bit of homework. Overall I'd say between 10-30 minutes is more than enough!

  • 100% okay, I’ll be providing all the background and information you need to know. Come with an open mind and you’ll be good! Ask anyone who’s learned ‘mindset’ or ‘woo topics from me—I break it down very simply that even the least ‘woo’ person gets it!

  • Send me a DM or email—it’s NOT a commitment. We can chat about anything specific to make sure you feel comfortable and confident with your decision (either way!) I promise—no slimy sales or pushy objection overcoming around here. Just helping you make the decision for yourself!
